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rock oil 石油。

rock opera

The author makes effort to the dynamic information in development , exploring the method to study and appraises the characteristic on carbonate rock . the major research is as follows . ( 1 ) combining tahe oil field information of static and dynamic state analysis and the practice , carbonate rock oil reservoir dividing making up the model for three kinds : crevices - cave system , double - crack system and crevices - pore system 筆者力求充分利用各種開發生產的動態信息,探索研究和評價儲層特征的方法及思路,主要研究成果如下: ( 1 )結合塔河油田動靜態分析和實踐,將縫洞型碳酸鹽巖油藏劃分為三類組合模型:縫?洞系統、雙裂縫系統和縫孔系統。

Water - level meter is generally used in the automatic supervision and control system of water conservancy , rock oil , chemical industry , metallurgy , electric power etc . based on the abundant experience of domestic and abroad intelligent meters , the meter presented in the paper is designed via advanced microchip , which integrates the functions such as data collection and storage , display and remote communication and can be used in various fluid level and strobe opening scale measurements 水位計廣泛應用于水利、石油、化工、冶金、電力等領域的自動檢測和控制系統中。本文設計的智能水位計是吸收了國內外最新智能化儀表的設計經驗,采用工業控制單片機,集水位采集、存儲、顯示及遠程聯網于一體,適用于各種液位及閘門開度的測量。它具有高精度、高可靠性、多功能和智能化等特點。

During recent years of oil exploration , high yield igneous rock oil or gas reservoir have been found in china and other countries 近年來的油氣勘探中,國內外相繼發現了高產火成巖油氣藏。

It was widely used in rock oil industry and mucilage glue fibre industry 有機合成中用脫水劑和磺化劑,還廣泛應用于石油工業和粘膠纖維工業中。

In latin , the name means “ rock oil “ . petroleum is a fossil fuel 在拉丁語中,名字的意思為“石頭中的油” 。石油是一種化石燃料。

Girl in tranquilla convent that nun told me liked to smell rock oil 那個修女說,特蘭奎拉女修道院77有個姑娘愛聞石油氣味。

In latin , the name means “ rock oil . “ petroleum is a fossil fuel 在拉丁語中,石油名字的意思是“巖石里面的油” 。

Embedded development and realization of a rock oil flat roof test - machine 嵌入式測井平臺測試儀的研發與實現

Milly too rock oil and flour 米莉也說石油加面粉好吃。

In latin , the name means “ rock oil . “ petroleum is a fossil fuel 拉丁語中,這個名稱的含義是石頭中的油。

In latin , the name means “ rock oil . “ petroleum is a fossil fuel 在拉丁語里,這個名字的意思是“石油” 。

Naturally occurring rock oil is referred to as crude oil or petroleum . 天然形成之石油,我們稱作原油或石油。